
Ontvangen aanbevelingen van tevreden klanten

‘De afgelopen jaren heb ik met veel plezier samengewerkt met Will in zijn rol als partner manager van Zoho. Gedurende deze tijd heeft hij het partner programma verder geprofessionaliseerd binnen Nederland en ons als bedrijf verder geholpen. Ik kan Will van harte aanbevelen. Bedankt Will voor de fijne samenwerking. ’
Annee Stam

‘Mijn samenwerking met Will in zijn tijd als Partner Accountmanager bij Zoho was heel prettig. Will zet altijd een stapje extra om er voor te zorgen dat vragen beantwoord worden en problemen worden opgelost. Dat extra stapje zet Will met een proactieve houding t.a.v. kansen die er liggen voor Z.kracht. Daarin is oplossingsgerichtheid en ontwikkeling belangrijk voor Will. Je hoeft Will niets te vragen hij voelt zich automatisch betrokken en is altijd op zoek naar die extra stap die hij kan zetten om iedereen verder te helpen.’
Joost Verheijen

‘Under vår tid som affärspartners har jag lärt känna Will som enastående professionell och den som alltid strävar efter att leverera högsta kvalitet i sitt arbete. Wills engagemang för att uppnå våra gemensamma mål har varit betydande för flera av våra projekt. Hans stora passion för sitt arbete och förmåga att lösa problem på ett effektivt sätt har gjort honom till en ovärderlig partner och affärskontakt. Jag kan starkt rekommendera Will till alla som söker en pålitlig och ansvarstagande individ som alltid strävar efter att överträffa förväntningarna. Han har en fantastisk arbetsmoral och jag är övertygad om att hans insatser kommer att vara av stort värde för alla framtida samarbeten. Tack, William, för ditt hårda arbete och för att du alltid har visat dig vara en tillförlitlig och stödjande affärspartner.’

Magnus Öberg

‘I have had the pleasure to work alongside with Will during his period at Workday and must recognize he is a tireless worker. Despite the work overload, he maintained a cheerful and professional attitude. Will handled his cross-functional role very well, and played a key role in keeping our valued customers in The Netherlands happy.’
Marina Linares Guerrero

‘What I like about Will is that he is really committed to his work. He wil go up and beyond the make sure everybody knows what to do and when to do it. I also like Will because he is straightforward and honest. With his background he knows what to do and how to make sure the project wil become a succes. It is great to have Will in your team because you can rely on him and you can trust him to give you good practical and marketing advice. ’
Mustafa Fakhir

‘Will and I worked together to organize a webinar between Centric and Varbi. I was impressed by Will’s professionalism and his structured approach to ensure a successful outcome. Besides, Will is very knowledgable and a real professional within his field. I look forward to working with him on future projects. ’
Nick van der Meer

‘Will heeft mij op een professionele wijze begeleid tijdens mijn afstudeerperiode. Hij denkt graag mee op strategische vlak en is gefocust op lange termijn en de toekomst. Will heeft veel discipline en werkt graag naar een doel. Een zeer geschikte afstudeerbegeleider en marketeer. ’

Tame Jansen

‘Will was very interested in helping me grow as an employee. I came in as an SEO analyst intern at ScanmarQED When the company started using SEO and Digital Marketing to boost their business. Will asked me if I’d like to gain an understanding of overall marketing because he knew I also wanted to learn more about overall marketing strategy of the company. As a manager, with his in-depth knowledge and helpful nature, he made sure that I have a smooth transition into the the new environment. He is very organized and focused about his work. As a mentor he made sure that my tasks are challenging and that I learn from each task everyday. Whenever I had questions or concerns, Will responded right away—and even followed up later to make sure my issues have been resolved. His patience and willingness to help have made me motivated to do the best job I can. ’
Pooja Singh Chahar

‘Professional and hard working sales person with a solid understanding of how marketing and sales can benefit from each other. ’
Elmer Valk, de

‘Will is a professional co-worker who also cares deeply about his colleagues. Even though we are not working directly in the same team I know I can always count on him when needed.’
Koen Coppens

‘Will de Hoon is a real motivator. Nice to work with. Always energetic and ready to run. He has good communication skills and is very sales driven. When I need advice on how to approach new prospects he is the one that can help me. I am surprised on how he deals with problems and how he finds solution for these problems.’
Aydin Karakoc

‘I’ve known Will for only a couple of years now, but already I’ve noticed he’s very committed, active and a great salesman. Easy to get along with and fun to work with. I wholeheartedly recommend him to any jobs involving sales, customer relations and account management.’

Tomi Hurme

‘I was Will’s lecturer during his studies for a MBA degree. He was a dedicated student with a high degree of intellectual curiosity and task driven to the work at hand. He is a natural leader and a convivial student. I have no doubt he will be successful in his chosen field.’
Bruce Sheppy

‘Wills communication and diligence made him an excellent project manager. He was through, competent and reliable.’
Richard Goodearl

‘I had the absolute pleasure to work with Wil in delivering a successful online marketing strategy for Aalta Retractable Awnings and Screens. I found Wil to be a highly focused, motivated and extremely intelligent individual. He was a true asset to the company he worked for and made my job so much easier in assisting Aalta in their online strategy. I strongly recommend Wil and am sure he will continue to go from strength to strength in his business career.’

Rachel Davies-Leggett Brus

‘Will came to Aalta initially as an Intern from the Netherlands. He turned out to be a very good potential employee, so we offered him a full time position with us. In his time with Aalta he proved to be accurate, honest, reliable and hardworking and as well as managing our projects pulled in quite a few fantastic sales projects. I recommend Will highly to prospective employers – Dave Watkins’
David Watkins

‘Will is a easy going person to do business with. With his perseverence he is able to reach the goals that are set for him. Being very polite but to the point makes Will a good person to do business with. He is honest, rational and future minded.’
Marijn Mulders

‘Will is een fijne man om mee te werken, stuurt echt op de relatie en weet de juiste belangenafwegingen te maken. Hij neemt je als klant en partner serieus en voert verbeteringen door die worden voorgesteld. Ik kan Will van harte aanbevelen als professional. ’

Jaap Bakker

‘Will and I worked together, executing several marketing endeavors together where partners were involved. During this, Will represented himself as a hard working and strong-minded colleague that likes to get work done by having the right set of planning- and people skills. Will also has a very strong can-do mentality, excellent verbal skills in both Dutch and English and always thinks in solutions.’
Yannick de Vries

‘Will kijkt verder dan cijfers en gaat voor het onderwerp achter de gestelde vraag. Het was prettig en vooral zeer nuttig om met je samengewerkt te hebben. Dankjewel en tot ziens.’
Michiel Cobben

‘We have come to know Will de Hoon as a relationship that communicates well, stands for his cause and works hard. As a channel manager, he has given impetus to closer cooperation between partner and supplier.’
Emiel Sprenger MSc

‘Working with Will is both joyful and professional with a focus on the relationship first. When starting to partner with Zoho Will was a great advocate of ForSight Consulting’s value proposition and to make sure that the onboarding as a new business partner went as smooth as possible. At the same time he was very realistic in setting expectations in working with a fast growing company. On a personal and professional level I can strongly recommend to work with Will.’
Marco van der Kooij

‘Will – was a pleasure to work together with you on various Marketing Events over time. Especially enjoyed preparing, delivering and following-up on the CIO Roundtable Benelux on Data-Driven Digital Acceleration with you & the Gartner Team. Your work & pro-active anticipation make it extremely convenient & efficient to step-in and support as a Presales Individual Contributor. Keep up up the great work – looking forward for more engagements to come!’
Jens Löhmar

‘Will is a real professional in the area of Sales and Marketing. Within Centric HR & Payroll Solutions he implemented successfully a full blown approach for online lead generation. Including online campaigns lead tracking. Besides his professional skills Will is a pleasant person to work with. Driven by results, open for comments and willing to play in a team are strong points in his business attitude. ’
Hein Brockhoff

‘Will helped us create our Brand identity as we merged two brands into one. He helped us develop our marketing strategy including website and our first integrated marketing campaigns. He had some fantastic ideas and was a dedicated and hard working employee who would go the extra mile. He thought deeply about the tasks we gave him and managed external suppliers as well as many internal stakeholders. It was a pleasure to work with Will – i wish him every success in the future.’
John Dawson

‘I worked with Will while he was consulting during the commercial merger of Scanmar and marketingQED. Will showed great understanding of the complexities of strategy, branding (brand storytelling), marketing and integrated communications (especially the digital aspects) while working on the collective branding project. His project management and communication skills in particular made sure the project came to a successful delivery.’
Greg Watson

‘Will has a target driven mindset combined with the right attitude to learn which makes him an asset to any sales team. He helped us to structure our sales process and acted as a first contact for our App customers. ’
Raymond Beijerling

‘Will has a good attention for detail and is a long term visionary. He works well alone and keeps his eyes on the goal. He is the kind of person that wants to take the customer by the hand and provide a solution from A to Z. With in our group of employees Will showed great social skills and easy conversationalist. I believe Will would be a good addition to any company.’
Gerard Moneta

‘Will has a getting things done mentality and takes initiative wherevery he sees opportunities. His persistence and perseverance are limitless and therefore he gets things done. I found him a very professional individual and would most definitely work with him again in the future.’

Ronnie Kusters

‘Will, did an exceptional job on the recent projects we have worked on together. Working with Will I found him as a person with great education in his line of work. Forward thinking, detail oriented, very good and customer focused with boundless energy. Loyal and proactive. It’s an authentic pleasure working with him.’
Daniel H. M. Olsen

‘Will is a very commercial guy with an excellent sense for sales and marketing and a good eye for how to convey a certain message. He helped Energie Gilze Rijen to become more customer oriented in its communications using the latest online technology.’
Bas van den Boer

‘While I was in Sydney, Australia performing my internship at Aalta Screens, Will has proven to be an inspiring colleague. As a marketing assistant, I was given plenty of space for self-development and he supported me whenever a mistake was made. I got to know Will as an excellent problem solver and go-to guy for any question I had. The current Aalta Screens website is of absolute quality, which Will put a lot of effort into. Will manages to combine a positive attitude with a strong motivation and that’s why I enjoyed working with him so much.’

Erik Hoogeveen

‘Will was my MBA student at Richmond University where I taught him Entrepreneurship Management. Will was a credit to the MBA programme as he brought his successful international experience, diligence and maturity to the class. His contributions and innovative ideas of problem solving of various case studies were very impressive. I was highly impressed by his chosen topic of 3D printing for which he conducted thorough market research and expressed his desire to pursue the project further. I have no doubt Will will do exceptionally well in his career.’

Hamad Khan

‘I highly recommend Will de Hoon as I have always loved speaking and dealing with him (as have many of our clients). Aalta is lucky to have found Will and I know he will continue to grow in experience, product knowledge and success. He knows how to find what you want and how to help you achieve the end goal. The difference is that Will does it with a level of professionalism that is unheard of in this industry – he will exceed your expectations for service and as quality outcome every time and make it seem easy.’
Jeffrey Dohnt

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